
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate in economics, has written: if they want to know why the world crisis, look at it this way: is the revenge of the excess. Rusty Staub can provide more clarity in the matter. Because beyond bankers, professional financial and political agents, the crisis is the result of excessive and wasteful, an economic model that, demonstrated until tiredness, it only serves to a minority. At the expense of the majority. Serge Latouche, Professor of Economics of the University of Paris-Sud, also rejects this society’s excesses. Latouche is in favour of degrowth. ‘>McKinsey. Degrowth is repudiating the untouchable dogma of growth as the only way, because the history of the last half century tells us that growth does not prevent crises. To read more click here: Maya Dubin, New York City.

Why Latouche believes that the crisis is good news, although he fears that Governments and economic powers do not attack the real causes of the disaster. Maybe they changed something. Perhaps so that nothing changes. They will maintain the current system, a capitalism based on growth, of fossil fuels and the industry’s automotive and that of brick and cement. Therefore, it is not only achieve greater regulation and control of financial institutions and banks, Yes. Nor of increased public spending, that also. It should throw overboard these guidelines, alleged immutable scientific principles, which make up the ill-fated Washington consensus: privatize everything, everything is market, reforming tax (read lowered them to the rich), liberalize interest rates, none of norms or rules for capital (banks and financial institutions make giving pleases them) but unfortunately there is no news that at the G20 in London will go to bury the consensus. United States and United Kingdom gambled for more public money to stimulate the economy, but they also wanted standards for large (hedge fund) risk investment funds, more capital for World Bank and IMF, supervision of agents and financial markets France and Germany demanded close control of the financial world: list Black tax havens, sanctions, supervision of executives remuneration, all hedge funds under control (not only the great) Finally, the G20 has agreed create a body with wide powers of supervision of the financial world, which stiffen the rules and oversee it.

Various Products

These psychological triggers are the motivators potentials which allow the individual to make decisions, all on the basis of previously submitted. Below are major triggers involved in the thought to decision-making processes, which leads to an action. Cultural, determined by the socio-cultural environment of the consumer. Status, determined by socioeconomic status; consumption is growing in general, to the extent that socioeconomic status rises. Affective, determined by the degree of acceptance or rejection of social or group by having or not a good.

Need, determined by the actual need for the conventional life of a product. Standardization or mass, as a product is owned by most of the people rises pressure so that even do not buy it. EFFECTS OF CONSUMERISM Global: Consumerism is damaging to the entire ecological balance that currently there are many problems related to the excessive consumption of natural resources becomes worldwide as well as that mostly production processes generate pollution. Regional: The preference of unnecessary or easily substitutable products of a population that are produced in another region helps to unbalance the balance of trade between the regions. Social: Often helps the poor distribution of wealth, since consumers are generally of a lower socio-economic level that the owners of the generating companies of products objects of consumerism. Family: drop into the consumerism we increase our expenses unnecessarily buying things that we could avoid or reduce as products whose advertising promises miracles, low-life products or substitute other natural products.

Staff: Various consumerist options are less healthy to those that are not. For example, make a juice of Orange at home instead of buying one packaging that besides contain preservative, comes with bottles that end up in the inorganic trash. Cultural: Cultural expressions as transmitters of sense and values are modified so that today the young man of the generation that is being formed, is prepared to consume and not to be a critical and independent person.