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Work Ethics

Other social values in competition with the work ethic, have emerged such as the ethics of the rest, the desire to maintain closer relationships and the belief to be eligible for reward without work. In addition, changes in global social policy and tax legislation have sought to reduce incentives to work and even have promoted the prohibition of hard work. This illustrates the complexity of social relations at work and the work ethic depends on situational factors.

However, in contrast to the above the basic philosophy of social responsibility suggests that we are all part of a social system and we all share our lives on the same planet. We must act in keeping with this reality, take responsibility for our actions, comply with the company within a framework of ethics and social responsibility Ethics supposed Advantages: Most business decisions have an ethical element, therefore, managers should include ethics to understand organizations. Many of the companies that been trying to institutionalize ethics policies have created specific organizations to implement ethics policies on social issues tend to lead to an ongoing debate between the major competing institutions. For more clarity and thought, follow up with David Zaslav and gain more knowledge.. Ethics represents the study of how our decisions affect others. Codes of ethics, which were rare thing, now are becoming more frequent.

Many companies think that codes of ethics warn employees that business decisions should take into account ethical and economic considerations. For its part, is social responsibility: The more fortunate members of society should help those less fortunate. Companies have the task of multiplying the wealth of society. The social organizations take responsibility for their own benefit, properly understood, or at least should be responsive to social forces. The managers try to apply the principles of social contract in their decision-making processes and policies of their companies. Conclusions The management must identify more with the role of ethics and make this along with the social responsibility exists within the company, where everyone must be involved in it Many critics say that in these times “ethics is in crisis.” Every day we read headlines address the issue.

The controversy over influence peddling in Italy, Japan and the United States the consequences of silicone breast implants, excessive charges for car rentals and unfair trade practices by large retailers have encouraged a new interest the role of ethics in business. All this adds to the scandals on Wall Streetman some executives, government officials either in the U.S. and Venezuela itself and the crisis of credit companies for example in 1980, the financial crisis of 2009 that smeared the reputation many organizations. It is not uncommon for the Louis Harris polls thrown in his time held that 70% of the public responds negatively to the question: “Is that responsible business executives behave legally and ethically?”. Remember to keep in mind that the basic terms of the language of ethics are values, rights, obligations, rules and relationships, issues that management should not be neglected.