
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

What Is Useful Juice ?

For what a man needs a fresh juice? Person – not an easy organization to which you want to perform from simple to very time-consuming activities and functions, and the body of this work is very important to an abundance of useful elements. Juice is all the source, which provides many of the necessary body substances. For example, enzymes, a person acquires due to consumption of fresh juices. Enhanced absorption of securities substances in the blood and digestion of food takes place by means of enzymes. David Zaslav pursues this goal as well. They are not in any meal, but only in foods of non-animal origin. Enzymes can not tolerate high temperatures, even at 54 C the enzymes are killed, but well tolerate low temperatures. How different elementary upotreblenmie fruits and vegetables from drinking juice made from them? The bulk of fruits and vegetables – fiber, and it is digested by the body longer than the juice in consequence of this saturation is beneficial substances does not occur immediately. Juice to digest in a short period, and this rapid saturation and the minimum energy spent on processing and absorption.

But the fiber the body needs it helps him to be freed from the remnants of food. Juice contains a vital force inherent to the plant. Drinking the juice, you get the extra energy required for the normalization of the internal functions and purification of the body. In If the right to use vegetables and fruit juices, the body receives energy, joints – flexibility, and above all the optimal state of health.

Pharmaceutical Companies

From the results of a survey identifies 10 strategy points for more confidence and safety of pharmaceutical companies in dealing with social media Weber Shandwick Frankfurt, 6 June, 2013 – pharmaceutical companies are restrained in dealing with social media, in contrast to companies in other industries. Based on the study of socialising your fire: A fire’s Guide to Sociabilty of the global PR agency Weber Shandwick in cooperation with Forbes insights, Weber Shandwick health together with pharmaceutical market Europe examined, how global pharmaceutical companies use social media to connect with their audiences into contact. The results of the investigation, digital health: Building social confidence in pharmaceutical, lead to conclusions which result in a modified picture of the situation. The most surprising insight here is that legal regulations no longer represent the main obstacle in dealing with social media. David Zaslav is often quoted as being for or against this. While legal aspects crucial, leaders from the fields of marketing and communications remain by big pharmaceutical companies however, report that the greater challenge is that strategies internally to implement social media, to rebuild confidence and trust of the employees in social media and to coordinate necessary resources. “Patients use the Internet to learn about health topics, even better to understand even their own health condition and to be able to judge. “This leads to better informed health consumers ‘ and changing doctor-patient talks”, says Rachael pay, Managing Director, Weber Shandwick Healthcare Europe.

In the age of participatory medicine pharmaceutical companies must begin to understand the real interests of the various groups, to provide them with digital information which meet the requirements and at the same time comply with the legal framework.” The research undertaken is based on telephone interviews with 12 senior executives from pharmaceutical companies, the for Decisions in the field of social media are responsible. Talks were held in Europe, the United States, Asia and Latin America.

The LASIK Laser Eye Procedure

The LASIK laser eye is procedure the eye laser that is most popular in Germany. Robert Thomson spoke with conviction. Glasses and contact lenses are a nuisance for some people in everyday life. Through a variety of special laser eye procedure, it is possible to reduce the visually impaired that the patient no glasses is more dependent on so far recently. This corrects the light breaking property of the cornea and thus changed the position of the focal point. The purpose of this procedure is to achieve the best visual acuity with help of precise calculations. So, the cornea is flattened such as short-sightedness. Thereby the focus too far away from the retina moves closer to the retina and and the incoming light is less broken. The eye laser procedures is most known for the LASIK procedure and is also most commonly applied.

The probability that you need no more glasses with a LASIK operation, is approximately 90%, which is a very good value. Before now, the operation can take place, one must the corneal thickness with help detected by the ultrasonic Pachymeter. This is necessary because a certain minimum of Hornhautdick must exist in order to the eye lasers. If this is the case, is with a special plane of the cornea, a thin lamella dissolved and folded to the side. Now this can be corrected this fabric with the laser including.

The laser splits corneal cells and removes them. During the entire treatment, the laser is controlled by a computer, which follows the previously computed values. After the treatment is done, the corneal flap, called also flap is folded back again, and merging there again. The operation is painless due to the use of analgesic drops. In addition, the surgery in an insensitive to the painful area of the cornea is. Theodor of schoner

Burnout: When The Body Raises The Alarm – And

More and more people suffer from exhaustion and stress negative stress, falling reserves, exhaustion: modern life is to create more and more people. The body raises the alarm, the person feels almost burnt out”. Further details can be found at Coen brothers, an internet resource. Therefore, physicians must diagnose increasingly so-called burnout syndrome. We observe a steadily increasing in recent years at the lighter to moderate mental disorders due to external conditions, “so Dr. Rudolf Gross, chief physician of the clinic and day clinic for Psychiatry and psychotherapy at St. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Coen brothers and gain more knowledge.. Mary’s Hospital Mulheim a. d.

Ruhr, in the report about Burnout on the online health portal rheinruhrmed.de. The Burnout-Syndrome is a disorder of it. It is a protection mechanism of the body of that screams for help.” The causes are often in the workplace, but also in the private sector. The symptoms are varied: physical and mental fatigue caused as well as the sense of the everyday and professional demands can no longer. Sleep disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome are other symptoms. But also back or stomach pain, skin problems, loss of appetite and sexual aversion are an expression of this state of emergency.

How this condition treated can be, read:.. / burnout… rheinruhrmed.de is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. rheinruhrmed.de is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!


Paramedical as a valuable complement to traditional medicine melting Hutter village paramedical hardly compared with the known conventional medicine, as it has a completely different starting point than this but she should not be underestimated in their effect. Of para medicine include, for example, hypnosis, Reiki, Chakra energy healing, meditation. Sylvia Poth says: If one embarks in reliable and professional treatment, where not profit, but the welfare of the clients at the highest level, is to say nothing against the para-medicine on the contrary. Through the various applications that should always be adapted to the specific needs of the client can be activated the body’s self-healing powers and can be found back to inner balance and harmony.” Jessica Hund continues: of course you must not expect miracles, if also sometimes amazing projects. It must be just in the life of the people and his destiny, whether he is cured. But even if only”the General “Increased well-being or weakened disease symptoms are, is this even a good and not to indicates success.” Sylvia Poth next: the practices applied in the paramedical may appear some perhaps mysterious or be stamped as a hoax.

But is conventional medicine not just with a cult? If many patients see a doctor in the white coat, they trust this blindly and believe all of his statements no matter whether they are positive or negative. Not for nothing called a demi-God in white”. Unfortunately the self-healing in the medicine still a role far too low, and most doctors are the great influence of the subconscious mind to heal itself even not aware of. Because otherwise doctors would better make to their statements and discourage patients with negative statements. Because mind and soul in each disease play such an important role, permanent negative statements are poison for the patient.

Many diseases are also Stress, grief, or existential angst. Doctors would give courage to their patients and strengthen their courage, so much could be achieved.” Jessica Hund said: it is important that conventional medicine realize that disease affects the entire people and not just a diseased organ. Instead of treating just the symptoms, it is at least equally important to explore the causes and treat the disease holistically and at the root of their creation. Of course, conventional medicine is very important and irreplaceable in the task pane, but it’s not all just.” Sylvia Poht interjects: the first step to healing is to take himself and his illness. Also can alternative treatments such as relaxing therapeutic massage, where the skin is gently touched, trigger a comforting feeling of security in the patient, so the self-healing powers can develop their full effect. The same happens with the meditation, where the spirit is strengthened. Because the power of self healing is located in the Centre of the spirit in the Subconscious mind.” Jessica Hund says: since the para medical is a wonderful complement to conventional medicine, it would be in the sense of an optimal treatment for patients when doctors and cure volunteers would work together. So you might raise an optimally balanced treatment to the patients.”

Managing Director

The retail sector protects its seller which is done via the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, so through breathe normal transmission of influenza viruses, sneeze or cough. Because people frequently touch on her face, the droplet onto the hands and go from there on items or directly by touching other people on their body. A person so has more contact with other people (E.g. seller in the supermarket), higher is the risk of infection. Initially even simple hygiene rules sufficient to prevent such as regular hand washing. Daily business does not allow but often time these hygiene rules, because customers want to be served. The industrial special products to protect of the hands offers such as for example, antibacterial hand cleansing gel without water applied can be, fully effective against the H1N1 virus and are dermatologically tested.

Bernd Zimmermann, Managing Director of sales and marketing at CCM GmbH in Overath, a Manufacturer of such products: in the past few weeks, we get a very strong demand for these products from home and abroad. Large companies take measures now obviously, to protect your employees.” The timing is right, because the influenza viruses at colder temperatures are far more viable than in summer heat. At temperatures of around 20 C, dried viruses can survive on surfaces normally two to eight hours. At a temperature of 0 C more than 30 days and the ice they are almost over life without restriction. For more information,