
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Prince Modschtaba Khamenei, Son Of False Pharaoh

mehriran.de: fascist zealots in the name of the Islamic revolution in the Iran and the rest of the planet want to accomplish what Hitler and Stalin have begun. For 33 years, the so-called Islamic revolution showed their ugly face more and more in the Iran. What began in 1979 for many Iranians and Iranians as the greatest adventure to political freedom and participation, has evolved in stages ever closer to a fascist dictatorship of real. >. The dream of the fair system of velayat-e faghi (rule of the Supreme of religious leader of who stands in relation to God and acts as an agent for the “people”), the model for the whole world should serve as is even when those followers of a bitter disillusionment waived, committed to the thing their whole life. The false Pharaoh as the revolutionary leader Khomeini died in 1987, the successor question for velayat-e faghi system was a problematic vulnerability that has had until now no satisfactory solution. Even the Constitution was summarily for Ali Khamenei changed, so that it could be used as supreme leader.

His spiritual Harriers were and still are paltry, for he has over twenty years of his power with money instead of convincing performance, obtain items, intimidation, tactics and brutal coercion and violence. The closeness to God acts through staged and little convincing even devout Muslims. In the ancient Egypt, the Pharaohs claimed also a closeness to God, to legitimize their rule and to demand obedience. ontribute to your knowledge. Khamenei seems to emulate them. He’s a Pharaoh with weak legitimacy. The only thing you could confess to him is the fact that men of the revolution such as Rafsanjani have offered the throne to obtain the system. Now he’s holding at any price on his turban of the Pharaohs. He is a false Pharaoh in the double sense of the word. Khomeini’s successor Ayatollah Montazeri should have been originally, which was pushed on the sidelines but in time.

A Quantum Leap In The History Of Mankind

The global solution of all problems, a new world of literature has dealt with this topic in all variations, visions and political essays. The turn of the spiritually-moral of Helmut Kohl about Willy Brandt “dare more democracy” up to the old Greek philosophers of antiquity, which produced the first democracies. Celina Dubin, New York Citys opinions are not widely known. Our world, man, and last but not least the nature is in a way that bodes no good. The banking and economic crisis in our direct presence showed that the order of the joint is straight and makes us humans just perplexed look to how so much just breaks. Like so much that owned yesterday value has no stock today.

The banking crisis was the catalyst in the harsh realities of the present. The delusion and greed for more and more and leaving entire peoples and people layers on the way to the wealth and power of the associated generated confusion, resentment and deep depression in the colonies. It is the breeding ground for terrorism and of all wars. Where has the time gone in the else was better, where we were all happy with what we had and we enjoyed over every little thing? Where is the time that changed the time and everything is newly set? Where is the wealth of so much talked and what happened to the increases, the this wealth? With just a few and the mass is getting poorer. Everything has been reversed and the systems no longer carry the system. The damage and the attempt to regulate this damage is no longer successful in incurred damage in these dimensions. To solve everything through new poverty with poverty – is contrary to the mathematical, social and human laws.

This whole layers of people in poverty and despair is not a fruitful way. It may not work out of pure humanity. This way will transfer all of us in even bigger trouble and not to repair the damage, which currently exists, only new fiasco emerge.