
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

European Association

In addition, the transfer of mail transfer protocol still remains fraught with uncertainty, that the reception not or only partly be demonstrated. ation. “” Finally the receiver required to establish first organizational framework conditions for the electronic receipt, which answer following questions: about what mailboxes accepted invoices? “how to make sure that not an employee in the E-Mail Inbox during his absence invoices Snooze, then considered to be already delivered?”How are processed twice sent invoices, E.g. at rechnungseingang(at)kunde.de and mitarbeiter(at)kunde.de?”.” Achim Kauffmann summarizes: for small and medium-sized enterprises, the sending of invoices without qualified electronic signature can a non-bureaucratic, viable solution represent. That is a factor not to be underestimated to date still not existing definition of design of control systems however. He offers no added value enterprises, because the DAQ quasi analogue paper still needs to be done.

For these companies, solutions based on EDI, are far more effective, since they receive the invoice data in a structured format that can automatically process them. The first business mail GmbH: The first business mail GmbH (1stbp) is an independent, owner-managed company headquartered in Munich and offers solutions and services relating to e-invoicing. In 2010 alone, more than 3.5 million invoices processed 1stbp. Around 7,000 suppliers send their data on first business mail to more than 100 recipients, including half of the TOP 20 DAX companies in Germany. References are including Audi, BMW, Daimler, MAN, Volkswagen, Deutsche Telekom, Union investment, Carrefour, Edeka, Metro Group, Otto and REWE. More references are on our Homepage. The self-developed solution allows any size business, to exchange purchase orders, invoices, delivery notes. This data on the basis of a printer driver be sure automatically captured, converted, checked for plausibility and in the structure provided by the respective receiver on this.

Thus, no costs for an IT project on the supplier side. In addition, no adjustments to the accounting or ERP system are required. The costs based on the price a stamp. First business post is a founding member of the Association of electronic bill Germany, Member of the national forum e-invoice Germany, Member of the CEN working group electronic invoice, founding member of the European Association for e-invoice service provider EESPA, pilot partners in European projects PEPPOL and auto integration. First business post is partner of the European automotive industry and of the VDA.