
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Acute Abdominal Pain !

One of the major causes of income in emergency rooms or doctors’ offices is acute abdominal pain of sudden onset and unknown cause. The same is initiated in the upper middle abdomen (epigastric) of mild intensity of such crushing or burning on other occasions, that over the next 4 to 6 hours the pain migrates to the lower right (right lower quadrant ) on occasions beginning in this site, but mild intensity is increasing. In this part of the clinical picture is crucial, most of the patients and family self-medicate or go to the pharmacy where he recommends: analgesics, antispasmodics, digestive enzymes or antibiotics, so that the presentation fails to follow its evolution as it is , ie it covers and the symptoms disappear for a few hours. The recommendation is that before a picture of acute abdominal pain go to doctors for advice or to the nearest medical facility for clinical assessment and complemantary tests to rule out acute appendicitis is the most common cause frequent episodes of acute abdominal pain and abdominal operations. Appendicitis is characterized by tenderness in the lower right (McBurney +), pain when decompressing sharply in the same area (Blumberg +), migration of pain in times to the right lower quadrant, nausea, vomiting by one occasion, lack of appetite, the blood test is: leukocytosis (greater than 10,000) (greater than 75%), oral temperature greater than 37 C, pain on passive movement of the right leg or walking. Among the additional tests also have it which is of great value to arrive at a diagnosis of the cause of abdominal pain, which in combination with the blood and physical examination, the patient will have to act immediately, whether medical or surgical treatment .

The fatal complication in diagnosis is a Peritonitis is the rupture of the appendix with fecal output and contamination of the abdominal cavity, complicate surgery and hospital stay are occasions that jeopardizes the patient’s life. Therefore, before an acute abdominal pain is best not to self-medicate and go as soon trust your doctor or health center to avoid dire consequences and it is best to receive prompt medical treatment.. .

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