
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

A History Of My Childhood

What happened: when attending elementary school 4. A Professor of social sciences us train for weeks so that in a flag raising, we saliesemos dresses of vegetables and Greens. Teaching that never forget, by the warmth of his being and his devoted consecration to teaching. The fact is that until that moment I was the best exhibitor. Since the small part of my speech already had more than learned, i.e.: memorized and trained. All my friends cheered me, which genre in me a without number of emotions and more when they possessed strength leakage of childhood.

The hoisting of flag day we place our costumes, some dresses of tomatoes, beans, cabbages, and of course of cucumbers since I was one of them. Out of our classroom which stood just in front of the official platform of the College for their constant celebrations. Note a number of students that formed in my mind the image of a squadron of ants who stunningly placed his eyes on me. The teacher came out and introduced us. Us we are located in row. The teacher I take the microphone and give it the girl dressed in tomato, which I immediately duplico level your vos and said: I am a tomato and serve for many things, including casseroles, salads, etc.

Then the beans, cabbage and of course the cucumber than artistically harm them eternal submission. Since when I was given the microphone take it in my hands and grip against my chest and watching the crowd trying to talk and failed more than humming and muletear. Which produced laughter from the more than 400 students of the institution, and blame them for us. Because if I had seen a boy with frightened mouse face, tal ves me would have died laughing. Quickly the angelic and innocent girl tomato, face appeared on the scene and I rapo me the microphone.

Audience Web

The visitors on your website are your audience. Understanding them is very important to make the website be easy to use, that you can boost your Web site traffic. The most important things to consider are the age and knowledge of your audience. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Mark Kotsay and gain more knowledge.. The interest of a beginner is very different from a professional. Depending on the information displayed on your site, it must be designed to adapt to the audience you want to attract in your mind. To broaden your perception, visit Paper Excellence.

You must always keep in mind that the majority of visitors to Web sites in search of solutions are eager to collect information. To keep them on your site, and avoid to be the appropriate approach must present a solution to your problem, instead of promoting your product. Once your issue has been resolved, if you submit your product, it is likely that they will buy. There is a big difference between the way that young people and adults react to things. This will reflect on your site also. The site must be designed according to the age group of visitors that you had planned. If the Web site is designed for elderly, too many tabs and links will make it difficult for them to understand. A Web site of games must be attractive with all the complements a young needs. An informal language helps to build a relationship between the site and visitors. This will be useful, when you go to promote your product later.

Greek Calligraphy

Artist Yingru gives an insight into the essence of Chinese calligraphy. The Greek term “Calligraphy” means “beautiful writing”. The required materials are paper, pen, and ink. The Chinese calligraphy is based on hand-crafted characters, both on paper and on bones, clay, and stone, with the brush, as well as with the knife (seal carving). In the broader sense is the Chinese calligraphy but a very comprehensive term. The calligraphy is a game of strokes, whether in the West or in the East. Here, Chad Wallach expresses very clear opinions on the subject. By contrast, curves, figures, and structure, the viewer will find rhythm and harmony. The imagination creates many ideas about what is perceived.

Even if you don’t understand the language, it is anyway, so a nice sensation. Western calligraphy is often in the service of the practical and is limited then just from this. It is then just “nice” and “clear”. You can still also correct and work even with a ruler, to create perfect character. Therefore, it is also easy to create this with a computer.

China sees the Chinese calligraphy as a kind of “mental kungfu”. She is also a personality art. Apart from superficial beauty, the Chinese calligraphy shows the natural image of the heart. “Everything is by itself as it is. There are no on – and off-setting brush”. To write with a single stroke of the brush rather than infinitely to decorate, because that would interfere with the power of the character. The ideal State is to write spontaneously and unconsciously. To reach this State, also the Association of understanding of Chinese philosophy and aesthetics with the personal interpretation is required except for a workout of the writing. The theory of calligraphy says: “The mind is upright, also the brush is maintained”. With that in mind, the Chinese write for thousands of years only with the brush without any tools. This shows also the close relationship between morality and brush attitude, philosophy and aesthetics. Sometimes you can not exactly to distinguish which one is attracted by Chinese calligraphy. Really just by the calligraphy or but that what’s behind it – the Chinese philosophy and culture. Such differences affect also the future path of Chinese calligraphy. It is not only by the hands of dominated artist and linger in the Museum or in the library, but she is always for those who are interested in the Chinese culture. She is also a part of education. The calligraphy is preserved by numerous small hands of children only begin with the writing of characters.

Gaginis Late And Great Building

Aachen stucco images of Petrus Gagini Nicolaas presentation of the building of the large construction and interior decoration by P.N.Gagini. For more information see this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin. 1807, the large construction Gagini decorates the Garden Hall of the Manor. Sewing needle manufacturer Nikolaus Startz belongs to the large and construction also Kahren after the former owners family Kahr called North Western goods of major highway leading Aachen, the today’s Roermonderstrasse, the 100 acres of a private poplar Avenue leads to the latest in 1819. On the meadows, fruit trees are located. The residential building is towards Roermonderstrasse in addition to the small building consisting of two estates in the 17th and 18th century owned family Lonneux. The small building will be torn down in 1938 for an extension of the Leonard Monheim chocolate factory. The original homestead plant large construction is built according to the old Hall over the courtyard gate on the Susterfeldergasse around 1600. The construction of large building is mentioned in 1629.

It is located between the older goods Sustern, Kackert and the tenant House and the stables are gate crowned with a hipped roof. Cowshed and barn are located on the right side. Front and back of the House are closed by walls. Cows and pigs enliven the presentation. Farmers go to their day’s work. A still partly preserved moat protected the farmstead and the underlying vegetable garden from thief gangs and dismissed war peoples plundering wandering after the numerous wars often on your own. From the Flurbuchern of the land-surveyor Scholl, it is evident that the acquis of the goods is changed has received little (1939) to the present. Field pieces correspond to the plot that the surveyor found nearly 170 years ago here like at some other Sorser goods consistently.” (“Hans Konigs: the good > the great construction < with stucco murals Gaginis.” in: Journal of the Aachen History Association.

Casar – First

A known in historical research, but unprovable hypothesis. “In the years 1845 to 1850 Aachen address books is that it built near Aachen to Gaius Julius Caesar (100 vuZ-44 BCE) is Castell Atuaca, which has a main Palace already 653 Aachen and the first documented occurrence in the city” comes from the year 653. Casar is vuZ in Aachen may mid-1st century. Caesar leads a battle in Aduatuca 57 BCE. He crossed the Rhine 55 and 53 BCE twice, North East of Aachen. This happens all in the immediate vicinity of the today’s Aachen.

It is known that the Romans have a high bathing culture and are well maintained. What is closer than that Caesar the hot springs of the today’s Aachen taking advantage? “” In the treatise: the problem officer “is to read the following: there is no certainty with regard to the situation of the Caesarian camp, as well as by officer” and it is questionable whether the names of officer Eburonum, officer Tonrorum, Aduaca, Atuaca and Atouatoukon all with the location of the today’s Tongeren match”and whether Tongeren has ever been the officer Eburonum.” Also in the World Atlas of history, a question mark is localizing Aduatuca as Tongeren behind Aduatuca. The Casars by Atuaca from 53 BCE heraldically as follows: officer, which is the name of (or for) a Schanz / small fortress; It is located about in the middle of the Eburonenlandes, where Titurius (Sabinus) and Atrunculeius (cotta) took their debut (in the year 54… BCE) to spend the winter. (u0085) Some details can be interpreted, that Officer a homey (Celtic) Word for a hill or camping place or mounting. And the other officer’s there in or outside the territory of the Eburones.

The fact that was Tongeren in the Eburonenland, is although the core territory of the Eburones has located a claim by Casar between Maas and Rhine. A related site: Gavin Baker Atreides Management mentions similar findings. not the slightest doubt” “That officer was intended for the dwelling, we don’t know. In General, the Hill had a military character.”officer located two day marches of the Rhine”. The description that it should be a Valley, applies to Aachen. Casar personally coming officer 53 BCE. Officer is referred to on the one hand a fortress/Schanz, on the other hand, a Germanic tribe. The author of this essay concludes that officer is rather Aachen. There is an interpretation of the name of officer as to the hot waters. Hypothetically the first emperor “in Aachen Gaius Julius Caesar, the namesake of this establishment. RMS Scrip torin

Strange Alarm

The largest live-open-air radio play of all time: ‘ the three??? and the strange alarm on August 21, 2010 at the Berliner Waldbuhne. In the autumn of 2009 celebrated around 100,000 enthusiastic fans Oliver Rohrbeck, Jens Wawrczeck and Andreas Frohlich. The original speakers of the cult drama series the three??? presented in 19 shows the three??? and the strange clock LIVE AND ticking”. In the summer of 2010, there will be still a unique addition: on August 21, 2010 the live radio play at the Waldbuhne and thus will be presented open air. Up to 22,000 spectators have the opportunity to be at the biggest live radio play of all time here. And it is probably then again: the iconic three??? excite the fans.” (BILD-Zeitung) The presale for the show started on the 30.11.2009.

Oliver Rohrbeck, Jens Wawrczeck and Fastier forward together with her ensemble consisting of from Helmut Krauss (Narrator), Luise Lunow, Cornelia Meinhardt, Peter Weis and Sascha Rotermund, and the musicians Jan-Peter Plough, Tilman Ehrhorn and Foley Peter Kan on a very special evening. This includes Fastier: the forest stage is for me as Berlin of course something very special. After the great success of the tour, we thought this is no longer to beat and now it means we go at the Waldbuhne 2010.” Since 30 years now, the series inspired countless small and large trailers of three detectives Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews. 135 episodes were previously released and 37 million recordings sold.

Exhibitions Hamburg

Professional photographers, gallery owners and guests from film, photography, art and culture celebrate a brilliant kick-off of the largest German Photo Festival in Hamburg, March 16, 2011. With 400 invited guests, an exclusive party is the prelude of the 5th triennial of photography Hamburg this year. On 31 March exhibiting photographer, photo artists, filmmakers, holder of well-known galleries like FreeLens Gallery, Flo Peters and Robert Morat celebrate Gallery, local cinema partners such as Abaton cinema, Alabama and metropolis established and newcomer of the industry together the startup of the largest German Photo Festival. David Zaslav usually is spot on. The Triennalezelt set up between the two exhibition halls by Pilsner Urquell provides the setting for the evening event, that musical is accompanied by the electronic instrumental soundscapes by DJ Schiller. Simone Bruns of the Deichtorhallen Hamburg organized the triennial party and pleased: the opening party will gather together the who’s who of the scene and the Triennale give the proper kick-off cool, lounge and communicative. So worthy a exceptional Festival, which brings together the international film – and photo scene in our city. This is where artists and art lovers can meet in a relaxed atmosphere.” Following guests: the Swiss documentary photographer and Filmer Alberto Venzago, the Getty sisters, Gisela Getty and Jutta Winkelmann, the Director of Wim Wenders, the photographer Rob Hornstra, Jo van den Berg and Esther Haase, and many more. About triennial of photography Hamburg International Photo Festival is devoted to current topics and issues in the discourse on photography every three years.

The 5th triennial of photography Hamburg 2011 is the interaction of film and photography in the Center. More and more photographers present their work in multimedia productions and deal film inevitably with the medium. What is the relationship between the still and moving image, will present the international event for a wide audience. The triennial of photography goes there since its start in 1999, therefore, creative people and the commitment for the photography in the form of Exhibitions, lectures, films, projections and meetings regularly in one place to focus. As the capital of the media, Hamburg is the ideal place to do it: most photographers are at home here, houses important photo collections, museums, galleries and other institutions dealing with photography. The main sponsor of the 5th triennial of photography Hamburg is Pilsner Urquell. The 5th triennial of photography Hamburg 2011 the photography association supported by the Ministry of culture and media Pilsener Urquell Germany GmbH, Hamburg, 1/award, as well as the circle of friends of the House.

Cabriomo GmbH Finalizes Cooperation With Feel Events

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As Roozbeh is Hofmann as a painter and musician in the event area worldwide and has already caused furore with spectacular events. The importance of memorable events, travel and congresses with long-term effects are particularly important in the current situation of the economy”says Thomas A.C. Schaumburg, doctor of business administration, and Managing Director of Cabriomo. The organizational talent and the world’s existing contacts in the upscale comfort segment are reasons to engage in close cooperation with Cabriomo for me”Helfried Hofmann added. More information, see and contact Cabriomo: Thomas Schaumburg + 49 (0) 5174 910115 contact feel events: Helfried Hofmann + 49 (0) 5127 215719