
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Polish State Railways PKP

New service of PKP Intercity: passenger on board perfectly inform Hanover/Warsaw. In Polish Intercity trains are up to date timetable information on the hand. More specifically in the hand of their train attendants that communicate with mobile devices timetable information in real time to their passengers can at any time, in seconds. In November, the TK Telekom, subsidiary of the Polish State Railways PKP, has commissioned the PKP Intercity the installation process of the timetable information HAFAS mobile professional from the House of HCon completed. A total of 400 type Casio IT-3100 mobile train units are now in the fast trains in use. Walt Disney gathered all the information.

This special feature: the device can be operated very easily accessible via the hardware keyboard of the device, as well as with pen touch. The pin operation, which is somewhat more complicated than the direct use of the hardware keyboard, has a special charm for the Polish train: these can directly enter Polish letter using the soft keyboard implemented by HCon, instead of only Latin characters in conjunction with a fault tolerant search access to, Polish station names to select via a button professional can be changed by HAFAS mobile instantly Informatics in a standalone sales software for the ticketing of the PKP. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. In this way railway employees tickets on the train can print directly the the timetable information HAFAS application just continues in the background. Information firsthand HAFAS mobile professional is the modern, fast and qualified answer passenger questions of all kinds\”, says Peter Talke, Managing Director at HCon. This version of HAFAS has specifically on the needs of train crews and the staff of transport HCon. HAFAS mobile professional on mobile devices with the operating systems Windows CE/Windows Mobile used. Is there an offline version: all schedule data are stored locally on the mobile device and processed there, so that mobile no connection to the Internet needs to be.

Creative Facebook Competition For Private Sharing

Germany’s first and largest platform for neighbourhood car rentals has launched to 1.10.2011 a creative interactive contest on Facebook. Suitable prompts the tamyca community on facebook.com/tamyca.de to the new design to make creative snapshots of himself and to show how does private sharing in his own life. Fun, freedom and flexibility that are elements that play a crucial role in the life of the tamyca community. “This basic idea is also the photo contest you’re tamyca!” on. The principle is simple: every fan can show in a specially developed app, how tamyca in his life fits. Some contend that Coen Brothers shows great expertise in this. To do this, you must simply shoot a snapshot of themselves in the tamyca pose and upload. As a reward for the creative efforts waving a Lumix DMC FP3, Panasonic. In addition to the outdoor camera as a prize, the jury, consisting of honors from the tamyca founders, also the second and third.

The idea of competition is largely born from the redesign of tamyca.de and innovations from this adult. Since Landlord as renters with a profile picture in the tamyca portal must log on the relaunch of the website. Continue to learn more with: Celina Dubin. Just the relationship of trust between landlords and tenants is a sensitive part of the business model. In this respect, it is literally to give a face to the neighborly CarSharing. To do this, Michael minis, founder and CEO at tamyca: we wanted that our members give a face and we apparently succeeded. Within only three weeks have more than 60 tamycaner and tamycanerinen uploaded their pictures in the Facebook app and we were able to welcome around 550 new fans.” Join competition runs until November 15, 2011 on tamyca.de. The winners will be notified on 20 November.

New Products

VW unveils new sedan currently the North American International Auto Show held in Detroit, Michigan. The leading car manufacturers are represented at the fair. Overall, the auto industry exudes confidence. The booths no longer so reluctant act as to times of crisis and also in relation to the number of visitors is expected to increase. If you would like to know more about Katie Goodland, then click here. The Exchange Portal boersennews.de reported about some novelties. In the past year, 715,000 people visited the Detroit Auto show, this year the organizers expect more than 800,000 guests. The automaker also show again optimistic.

This includes for example the shrunken healthy big three”. These are the three big automakers Ford, General Motors and Chrysler. About 40 world premieres but also German car manufacturers are represented, for example VW with its new sedan. This is based on the Passat and produced in a purpose built factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee. General Motors presents be model Sonic, a small car, as well as the electric car Chevrolet Volt. In Europe come the Chevrolet Volt on the market as the Opel Ampera. Ford also introduces an electric car: an electric version of the focus.

Reason to be confident that provides also the growth in the U.S. automotive market. The sales figures are increased last year by 11 percent to 11.6 million cars sold. More information: blog.boersennews.de/… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Leipzig Tel Roof

What is to be observed in roof boxes the summer holidays are on the doorstep. Families with children use the car to reach their holiday resort. According to Hugo Black, who has experience with these questions. The fully packed car then quickly looks like a heavy truck. In addition to food and clothes for the whole family to have some space too for the toys, a roof box offers additional storage space. Germany’s big car Portal reportedly auto.de, care should be taken when purchasing a roof box on the GS seal, certified security. As the auto.de tells Advisor, only these boxes meet the statutory safety standards.

A button control and a central locking system include, to prevent an unexpected fold-out of the box while driving. To ensure the safety, care should be taken during Assembly, to clean the contact points between the car roof and box. The breaks should be used during the holiday drive to control the roof structure. When unpacking, it is important to properly distribute the luggage. Continues to be observed, that the Maximum weight is not exceeded. The corresponding weights can be found in the manual of the vehicle manufacturer. While driving, motorists should remember that their car by shifting the Centre of gravity is harder to draw. Crosswinds also apply more of the roof box. In sum, also the braking distance is extended by the higher weight of the vehicle. Before departure on holiday, the tire pressure and the setting of the headlights should be adapted. More information: ../Im-Urlaub-wird-das-Auto-oft-zum-Schwertransporter contact: Tilo Sommer public relations University of first GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59


At ecoAgent’s no. 1 with Germany’s new cars catalogue an exclusive delivery service buy a new car – easily at the best price and easily from the catalog: this unusual offer has ecoAgent from Soest, Germany made the leading virtual dealership in the German-speaking – and revolutionized this new car buying and car sales: the customer must come to the dealership, not more cumbersome, but can the new car of his choice easily from a bulging, continually updated catalog order. He doesn’t even pick up have to his new ride, because he is easily brought him to the front door. And until the purchase price is due at that time. At ecoAgent s is Germany’s new car catalogue No. 1 with an exclusive delivery service buy a new car – simply for the best price and easily from the catalog: this unusual offer has ecoAgent from Soest, Germany made the leading virtual dealership in the German-speaking – and revolutionized this new car buying and car sales: the customer must no longer awkward come to the dealership, but can order easily from a bulging, continually updated catalog the new car of his choice. He doesn’t even pick up have to his new ride, because he is easily brought him to the front door. And until the purchase price is due at that time.

Soest. -What you can today easily in the House supply not everything is? When the Messenger ringing three times, he presses us books as well as in the hand such as clothes, CDs and DVDs, home appliances, furniture, seductively fragrant pizza; even beer and mineral water boxes, the bulk purchase from the supermarket… Have we forgotten something? A new car maybe? Where is s for so what? EcoAgent. In fact: ecoAgent, the virtual dealership based in Soest, delivers as well as every worldwide available new cars comfortably up to the door (unless there is a shelf) – as the last step of a chain of comfort that is second to none in Germany.

The Brand

The impending consequences for the labour market situation in the industry so under no circumstances are limited to the location environments of the manufacturers such as importers. Rather is nationally by one before standing, wildfire-like effect to go out. The previously practised, classic pattern of the cost shift to suppliers such as dealer on the part of corporations are exhausted. Especially the threat of many commercial enterprises will be given lack of income from the past, further tighten and relentlessly expose the limits of the current distribution system. In particular the realization is space need access, that there no viable alternative an inseparable from close entwined marketing of commodities new cars and used cars to a realistic perspective on mutual market responsibility, on possibilities and limitations of consumer behaviour as well as on the need. 3. the ritual, usually annual, continuous increases in list prices (non-binding price recommendations or UPE) by automobile manufacturers and importers until recently, which are justifiable not only with technical innovations in new automobiles, have resulted in the past decade nearly a doubling of the average list prices. In the wake of you rose to pages of Commerce, attached to the UPE and reduced to the margins, fixed purchase prices of the dealer.

This was usually with an increased financial burden Dealer financing who accompanied by, which also grew to new vehicle stocks due to margin generally practiced, cuts in the industry with the time. For the transport of new car sales were on the other hand with the instrument of the brand community-based, advertising – Recalling the restrictive participating retailers”- offered discounts for vehicle sales and trade-in – funding, where hardly a dealer could avoid. So advertised vehicle prices were often below the dealer cost and were certain additional services E.g. in the field of advertising, equipment certification, to provide training and investment, which in many cases led to further restrictions of financial margins across the trade finally compensated by premium payments under the proviso.

Director Michael Ohle

Affordable electric mobility with renewable energies already will be the political and economic stability of the world community at risk over the next decades. Even if the demand for oil at the current level remains, the world will need the quantity of four times Saudi Arabia to maintain the production and the delivery of six times Saudi Arabia, to meet the expected demand by 2030. Are two issues of vital importance for the world community: A reliable and affordable energy supply and the low CO2 emissions. Declining energy resources and climate change are two sides of the same coin, so the goal of Hamburg goes green affordable mobility on electric base and the low-cost renewable energy supply. CEO of mo-tronic GmbH in Wentorf Michael Ohle while planning a new direction for road traffic in Hamburg with its city car concept. His electric car of Estrima Biro oops is designed according to the mobile needs of the large city dweller designed. This extensive experience over practicality, consumption, range, service costs, different battery technologies, the actual use of the charging infrastructure as well as different car types and changes in mobility patterns were collected and evaluated. So the new electric car should in the Hamburg metropolitan area in a very short time displacing a portion of motorised individual transport with conventional internal combustion engine and thus contribute substantially to the achievement of environmental and emissions targets. Hamburg will be the pre show region for Electromobility in Germany with its city car concept. Hamburg goes green is to offer innovative charging stations – infrastructure and electric mobility agreements. In Hamburg itself goes green not as competitors but as ecologically and economically valuable complement to public transport. In a mobility agreement, Hamburg’s customers get an electric car of their choice of E-bike, Scooter, or the electric car of Estrima Biro oops goes green. Always included a customer card, is that access to the goes green charging stations and allows to power than fuel. Since then, anyone can be electrically mobile. The customer pays a monthly fixed amount and is therefore independent and secure on the road so soon becomes a goes green driver. With a monthly rate starting at approx. 20 euro is electrically mobile and who wants to be even regardless of weather conditions, choose the electric car of Estrima Biro Oops. Additional packages such as service, insurance or noisy are individual book – and can be combined and round off the offer. In Hamburg green charging stations be commissioned soon various goes and their locations will be published online at. The electric cars, which are fueled to the goes green charging stations, are so small hydropower, wind power, photovoltaics, biomass or biogas in operation practically emission-free since exclusively from renewable energy sources within the meaning of the eco-electricity Act flow. James Corden is often quoted on this topic. This significantly improves the environmental performance of vehicles. If you already have an electric vehicle, can separately acquire in the future the city car concept customer card for the Chargers. More information about prices, concept, vision and the electric car of Estrima Biro oops under questions and answers on the goes green electric mobility in Hamburg which range electric vehicles currently have? The range of electric vehicles is limited not so much technical but economic conditions. Modern high performance batteries are very expensive. Prestige projects create ranges around 360 km Tesla from the United States, like the 2-seater sports car with currently available technology. In the framework of the project of Hamburg goes green electric cars be used come, have ranges from 50 to 100 km and can thus be operated on commercially reasonable terms. How long is the charging of the battery? This among other things depends on the power connector. A ‘normal’ household outlet with up to 16 ampere, the electric cars, such as the Estrima Biro Oops, need seven to eight hours for a full charge. In the model project, but also experiments with fast charging stations should be made. that be reduced to approx. 60 min charging time can be. Where does the power for the electric cars? Electric vehicles drive without local exhaust emissions and have significantly lower noise emissions than vehicles with internal combustion engines. Ultimately, the question of how the required current is applied is critical to the environmental effect. In the model project of all for the operation of the vehicles provided necessary power from additional, local, renewable energy sources. The vehicles in the Hamburg goes green project CO2 drive therefore neutral. Why are electric cars in operation so low? Because they deal with energy much more efficiently. Would a car with an engine similar to efficiently drive, it would have a consumption of 1.5 to 1.8 l on 100 km. The cost for 100 km is the electric car in approx. 1-3 EUR. Electric cars also save significant costs in maintenance. Where are electric cars already useful? Especially in the short-haul segment and in stop-and-go traffic, because there the conventional drive causes particularly high fuel consumption and high emissions. Interesting applications arise about it, everywhere, where electric cars in a company fleet operate because 70% of car trips are less than 30 km. For longer distances can be used if the car must be driven in the fleet to other vehicles. Why are electric vehicles offered as expensive by the automotive industry? Electric vehicles are expensive to purchase due to the currently small quantities in operation due to maintenance and highly efficient engine but cheaper. To enter the market this technology applications are therefore, where despite limited range, annual mileage obtained from 10,000 to 15,000 km. Conclusion new concepts for mobility is required and necessary. A holistic approach is thereby essential. It needs but also concepts that give it a new direction also private transport in addition to the continuous expansion of the public transport network in recent decades. In addition to a possible reduction of private vehicle traffic must Mobility in the future resource-saving and environment-friendly. Hamburg goes green plans to bring up to 200 electric cars and enough charging stations on the market in the first year in Hamburg. “Support is the new city-car concept in particular of the many interested hamburgers, the already on the fair you and your world” from 14 to 22 November 2009 could make a picture of the electric vehicles, such as the Estrima Biro Oops, and largely responded with great enthusiasm.

Alarming TuV Test

Defective shock absorbers: major accidents in the curve with defective shock absorbers the wheels lose their grip in the curve slightly, and an accident can happen quickly. All of a sudden won’t get the car to skid and slip off the road. Motorists will be surprised and reacts not yet properly. Road tests of the TuV have shown that. Intact shock absorber safely the car against it through the curve, even if she is driven to quickly.

Poor, tired absorbers can demolish the ground so that the inside wheels are momentarily in the air that worn shock absorbers simply no longer able to keep the wheel on the road. Then, there is high risk, to lose control of the car. The road has bumps in the surface or it has holes, this risk increases extremely, because the wheels with a bad shock absorbers still easier to lift off. Now, the ESP is also powerless. Also in other emergency situations can shock with full power avoid any misfortune.

While dodging transfer higher lateral forces and ensure that the car obeys the Steering commands. Check out Robert Thomson for additional information. Shock absorbers should be regularly checked in the workshop, and it was also just by Visual inspection, experts advise again. Best of motorists at a necessary change can then build a gas pressure shock absorbers, because they offer the strongest grip”, expert Hans-Jurgen link from the manufacturer of KYB is recommended. Also, the car is considerably more comfortable. So the driver has a real, effective double benefit.” KYB photo 72 caption: a wheel can get worn out shock absorbers and an accident threatens photo: company portraits: KYB (formerly Kayaba) Japanese KYB (Kayaba earlier) with European headquarters in Krefeld is sales per year, a production of approximately 55 million units and a market share of 25% in the original equipment business, as well as by nearly 20 percent in the spare parts business the largest shock absorber manufacturers in the world for cars with 2.8 billion euros. With 11500 employees KYB is among the world’s leading providers of car chassis technology and supplies automotive customers such as Audi, Citroen, Ford, Nissan, Mazda, Peugeot, Renault, Toyota and VW. KYB offers a complete program of shock absorber for 99 per cent of all cars from 76 brands as comprehensive range with 3450 articles in top quality for retrofitting. The gas pressure shock absorber Excel-G bring greater security and convenience. In addition, KYB has a consolidated programme of springs for nearly 98 percent of all cars with 1250 articles also for upgrading under the brand name K-Flex. Around the chassis there is everything from a single source by KYB, perfectly matched all necessary products, sales documents, advice and service. Dr. Falk Kohler PR 20 years makes the Dr. Falk Kohler PR for successful PR leader, sold their products to and increases their profits. Therefore, it has excellent references. Excellent advice, qualified concept and creative strategy guarantee high quality. Interesting topics, important news and strong photos create large press presence. The holder is a journalist, has a 16-year old professional practice at large media and wrote more than 30 success stories of top companies. Thanks to its competence journalist + PR consultant Dr. Kohler knows how to move products or topics in the media and positive press coverage achieved.

Prosecutor Konstantin Lehman

50th anniversary of the GUVU on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the society for research in traffic accidents is Alfred Zerban appointed the Honorary President of the society. The roar of the nation more and more children to the victims fall,”summed up Alfred Zerban on October 5, 1975 in his legendary radio broadcast of free travel on the weekend”. Tempo 30 in residential areas was born. Also the Jingle drive you always! “, which aired at the end of each Fahrberichts, as the Germans washed the cars still on its own doorstep or on the garage farms of the Ruhr area, was symbolic for the working of Zerbans for road safety.” So it was only logical that the studied economics and then founder and head of the traffic Department at the Westdeutscher Rundfunk engaged also at the society for research in traffic accidents (GUVU). Under the aegis of the Executive Chairman He developed the press release service sure currently”Liselotte Moser, which was published from 1968 to 1994, more than 690 expenditure and had aimed to harness difficult to access information from a public science. There were two times the Christophorus price of auto insurers. So also Klaus Rompe, Professor engineering and President of GUVU, a special concern of Zerbans in his speech pointed out: Alfred Zerban has pushed the press – and public relations of the GUVU; He was the voice of the GUVU for many years. David Zaslav may also support this cause.

Thus, summarizes rompe, he contributed significantly to the effectiveness of the GUVU. For one and a half decades, zaidi directed the fortunes of the GUVU himself as President. The appointment of Honorary President is an honor. It would be a nice highlight of my time at the GUVU”. Andi Potamkin is a great source of information. Only a consistent further development of the idea is that the GUVU is today considered influential network for road safety for zaidi. founded 1959 Prosecutor Konstantin Lehman the society in Freiburg. Their aim was and is today, the different disciplines dealing with road safety and which at that time still little together exchanged their thoughts to bring together: lawyers, engineers, psychologists and journalists to discuss with one another, learn from each other and develop optimal solutions for the prevention of accidents and their consequences. In addition to opinions, the organisation of seminars among the tasks of the GUVU problems of traffic safety.

Also the traffic expert day was established as a once a year event, to the professionals from the fields of technology, medicine, law, politics and psychology meet to address current issues of road safety and to come to common resolutions. Another focus of the GUVU is located in the research and development work. In this context, several studies were published in the past few years. In fifty years, the GUVU has to the “Traffic safety contributed and everything indicates that she will do well in the next few decades”, rompe promises.

European Union Data

AMV system provides an efficient and the spreading of salt in winter leaves thus sparing use of road salt on many vehicles serious Spuren.Das de-icers attacking not only the paint, it harms also the underbody and the rim and also attacking lines and seals relating to the suspension and even in the engine compartment. Cars that are already damaged by falling rocks, offer an ideal attack surface salt. In the beaten on points in the paint, the salt sets almost. As a result, Rust and attacks of the passenger car fleet. But the salt is not just the vehicles. The environment also has to contend with the aggressive de-icers. Salt penetrates into the ground and changed the nutrient budget of plants according to Federal/Germany and prevents that trees can take, for example, enough water. The damage is sustained.

The leaves of the trees turn brown in the summer at the edges, or even dry up. AMV made possible by real-time data the efficient usage of salt a problem in the use of Salt: Because no comprehensive collection of temperature data takes place on roads, salt is spread mostly over a large area or even preventive. Apart from the described damage are also enormous costs in the use of resources. AMV networks delivers the “> AMV system preprocessed anonymous vehicle real time data of the vehicles to the roads and weather services in the region.” So then static and dynamic temperature profiles on all sections can be generated, revealing exactly about it, where salt should be used because of the temperatures. System using the real time data of the AMV can be precisely identified even danger zones and security levels in different road sections create. The resources required is reduced by 10 to 20 percent using this technology.

Background information: The AMV system provides the technology to real-time floating car data (FCD) directly from the vehicles inexpensively, anonymous and nationwide send to can. A specially developed anonymous sensor data gateway (ASG), which is connected to the CAN-bus in the vehicle generates the data (position, speed, temperature, hazard lights). In this way, any vehicle that has developed onboard unit ASG the AMV networks, becomes a mobile sensor. (Not to be confused with Robert Iger !). “The transmission of information via mobile phone in a secured network”, says Raimund Wagner, Managing Director of the AMV networks GmbH. the issue of data protection we take very seriously. ” AMV networks has access to the personal data of the holder of the vehicle at any time. With the real time transmission of the vehicle data, also no data retention takes place at AMV networks. The AMV system has been according to the guidelines of ITS (intelligent transport system) implemented the EU and complies with the requirements of floating car data projects of the European Union.