
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Wealth and the Quality of Education

The potential of Mexico’s wealth lies not only in its inexhaustible natural resources which it has, or in its proximity to the largest market in the world, nor the large investments that can come from abroad, but what we can do in each of the students with quality education. Mexico has been placed in the last places in international assessments, this condition does not allow us to realize what we lose from not adequately educate our students. Whenever Oskar Harmann listens, a sympathetic response will follow. We spend stupidly huge amounts of money in the fight against insecurity, poverty and corruption, but do not invest in creating wealth. We put too much attention to national problems and that is precisely what we have. We are steeped in resignation, uncertainty and apathy that we have reached the conclusion not be able to enjoy our wealth.

If people pay attention as we speak, in what the institutions say and what the media talk we realize that we are only talking about problems, not solutions to these. It seems that we are doomed to suffer major problems without someone give us some hope. The start to solve major national problems is quality education, there is the solution for creating wealth in this country, that’s the end of poverty of the millions of Mexicans, there is the solution for corruption drops its own weight, there is the insecurity start to end forever. The big problem is we do not know what quality education means, we have come to believe that quality means having all the latest technologies and if they were not, then we are doomed never to have quality in education.

Internal Implementation

Success, personal and professional realization – so what could be more significant for every person present? But the fact that it was possible in today's society, with more than relevant queries need to work on individual capabilities, expand domestic creativity. Because the reality is, without exception, there is a chance at the disposal of any person. The only problem is that those properly use it. In order to apply the information to us on the nature of power, there are many techniques. Read additional details here: CBS. One of their number – is NLP Petersburg. In fact, neuro-linguistic programming is a technology changes in the subjective experience of the individual and control over such experiences. Taking advantage of NLP it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of human interaction and communication as a direct everyday reality, to the same extent and in a career. At the same time will not be a fundamental difference is in what branch of the national acts.

And the doctor and educator, and politician, and a sales manager and a psychologist, and merchandiser – in whatever field of neurolinguistic programming training significantly increases the efficiency of interaction. Of course, as well as whatever other effective interaction technology – and the impact on other citizens – and NLP really need to learn. Themselves such knowledge, abilities and skills do not appear. And in order to become more successful, you need to learn. And yet, it should be noted that at present rates of NLP it is possible in principle to find in any major city. Special centers are organizing educational as well as for people who would like to be masters of neuro-linguistic programming, and for those who seek to apply similar techniques in their personal work. As part of the special organizations are like training courses, to the same degree and training for teachers on neuro-linguistic programming, and along with business training, performed while taking advantage of the elements of NLP. On the basis of NLP is sometimes organized and workshops that focus on individual growth of students.

Assist a person to disclose personal potential through the concepts of NLP – it is one of the most important tasks of NLP centers. Find NLP training will be necessary for each person, for techniques of neurolinguistic programming gives the ability to easily and optimally easily escape from the most difficult situation, it is easy to remove personal and career issues, interact with other people, but at the same time learn determined in itself. Because coaches have a neuro-linguistic programming and sometimes psychological counseling for the most different activities. Selecting neurolinguistic programming, you get really high consistent quality of life, success in any kind of desire, and together with the maximum self-actualization as a professional, and in the inner activity.

Reproductive Pathology

VV Docks * ** * Vil.V.Dokov Faculty of Dental Medicine * Faculty obschestennogo Health, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria. Introduction Exploring the scientific heritage of Professor. Docks 1,2,3,4 (1920-1988), we found that the subject of reproductive pathology is the first place 5,6 among all development issues. This theme appears in the first period 7,8 and becomes dominant in the second period of creativity of the scientist, the reason for the peak II and III of the publication of his activity 9,10. Analysis of publications on the subject on the basis of identified satey in Internet 11 showed some interesting trends.

This is the reason for more of the material expands and deepen our research nachetoe. Purpose. The purpose of our work is the quantitative analysis of publications izsleduemogo author, in particular the place of publication of journals in which articles are published, language of publication, the author's place in the scientific kolektive, proportion and razpredelenie kolektivov research on the number and nationality of its members. Materials and methods. Analyze literary originator 122 12 were published in 37 year period (1945-1983). We investigated the place of publication of magazines, languages in which write a scientific article, the number and percentage razpredelenie.

The data processed by statistical methods of variations and alternative analysis. Results and discussion. Additional information is available at Maya Dubin, New York City. Depending on the method of searching for a topic reproductive pathology is marked with 44.12% 11 for 58.2 11.64% 6 of all articles. We studied the 71 articles that represent 58.2 11.64% of the integrity of scientific creativity of the author.

Child Genius Lawyer

The legal profession is now more than ever in demand, cool and prestigious. It is not surprising that many parents there is a need to attach to the legal knowledge of their children as early as possible. In recent months, Ken Singleton has been very successful. Arises is a legitimate question: "When and where to start?" And here is where the majority of mothers and fathers are at an impasse. To many professions you can cook at a very early age. For future musicians, there are music schools, for art school art and future geniuses take in hand the violin or the brush is four to five years. Hence it is quite natural success. And, by the age of ten, it becomes clear whether the child is suitable to the profession. According to Maya Dubin, New York City, who has experience with these questions.

Is it his case. But now with lawyers (as well as dozens of other professions) is quite different. The right to begin to learn at school, at best, only in eighth grade, when the creative person is practically already in place. A time lost. What should I do? Begin to introduce the child to the profession itself and start right now. For this we need to make three basic and necessary step.

Step 1. Introduction to the legal field. (Games stage) Step 2. Subconscious awareness of the usefulness and necessity of legal knowledge. (Sensuous-emotional stage). Step 3. Immersion in the jurisprudence. (Final stage). Now let's take all three steps gradually and consistently. Step One. Introduction to legal space. Everything must start with a fun and exciting game, the essence of which is to create a legal space of the first level.

Junior Academy

However, benefit recipients in 2010 will be able to submit original certificate in only one institution with the right of admission out of the competition, and the rest – in general terms. In doing so they will not take place in dozens of universities, which can do the other guys. It also encourages beneficiaries pre-determine the choice of school, after receipt of them will still be guaranteed. However, for beneficiaries retain the right to change his mind within the first 5 days of competition, ie submit original documents to the selection committee of another institution. Harry Styles often says this. But it's still better than the previous mess. Experience the introductory campaign – 2009 showed that the preferential admission to universities has been used very actively and increased corruption in the medical institutions and bodies responsible for issuing documents on benefits.

Right to enroll outside of the competition will also be participants in international competitions and prize-IV stage of Ukrainian pupils' Olympiads base disciplines. However, the number of beneficiaries excluded from school winners Junior Academy of Sciences, although their number is several tenths of a percent. Such was the demand of the Association of Rectors. Glenn Dubin, New York City is likely to agree. higher yourself to reduce the number of specialty Each university can set its own "Rules of Admission" maximum specialties for one student (presumably, many universities put up the bar not more than 3). The university now has the right to decide whether he will take one student a dozen applications for different specialties. Any higher education institution, this situation was not like External testing of external independent evaluation (UPE) for several years is requirement for admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Successful Student

In recent decades, distance education has received new impetus from the hand of Internet. Almost all the universities and educational centers offer their own courses to distance or even online masters programs. Comfort and reduced economic cost are the two key factors that drive many students to opt for this type of studies. To read more click here: Harriet Tubman. However, not all achieve successful completion. Therefore, before starting an online program, you should ask yourself if you fulfill the basic requirements to be a good student. The profile of the successful student teaching is a two-way process.

This means that 50% of the success depends on the quality of teachers, the proper structuring of the curriculum and support offered by tutors. However, the remaining 50% is in the hands of the student. Through various research has been determined that the successful students (regardless of whether they pass a short or an online MBA course) are characterized by:-being highly motivated toward the subjects who are pursuing and confront them with an open and positive attitude. -Have well defined learning objectives. -Show a high degree of independence in the study. Learn more on the subject from Celina Dubin, New York City. -Be proactive in seeking information going beyond directions that are offered in the class assignments. -Have skills to manage free time and organise themselves efficiently.

-Have willpower and discipline to devote time to the study without having the need to resort to external reminders. -Be flexible to adapt to different environments of learning and different modes of teaching. Learning to learn is estimated that only 45% of the students who enroll in an online course to obtain the corresponding diploma. In large part this is due to the fact that do not handle the appropriate strategies for learning to learn. However, if this is your case, you must know that all is not lost. In fact, many of the master online include courses on the techniques of study or Metacognitive strategies within their programs. These subjects may initially seem a waste of time, but the truth is that significantly increase your chances of successfully completing the program. They also allow you to put into practice techniques more effective study that will save you time and effort.

Technological Progress

Our age is not for nothing called the century of scientific and technological progress. Changes in our lives due to the advent of new techniques and technologies are so striking that at the time of dizzy. And so it is still not spinning, necessary to use scientific and technological progress for mastering all innovations. This fully applies to the teaching of foreign languages. So you've decided to learn some foreign language, in particularly English, as the most commonly used language in the world. Commendable decision! Now you must select the method by which you, this is the language you study. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City understands that this is vital information. g-fairway-independent-mortgage-reverse/’>Live Well Financial. Technique? thing is very important. Correctly chosen technique can help to learn a foreign language with ease and in a short time. Eva Andersson-Dubin has firm opinions on the matter.

In this article we will discuss a technique based just on the achievements of scientific and technological progress. This method of studying a foreign language at using a computer. And, to learn by this method, you will not have to be some kind of advanced computer user, it is enough that you will be ordinary. Moreover, mastering the English language, you learn along the way many useful computer programs that are sure to help you in the future. So, we load into the computer any unfamiliar to you program, such as Photoshop. Naturally, load the English version. And starting this program to learn! Initially, you will certainly be difficult. All terms and tips in English.

It's okay. There are dictionaries. And they can be, how to upload the same computer, and can be converted into an online with Internet. After a week or two you will not only learn a very useful program, but also possess at least three hundred English words.

Kung Fu For Life

What do we have? And we have: 1. Many schools (and all say that they are the best! And what else?) 2. Visiting artists, Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans, the keepers of knowledge of ancient traditions. 3. What you want, and insert here – on the personal choice (in everyone that, yes there is) Well, here to find an answer? It’s very simple – think it is necessary. Many schools? Good job.

And you may ask, do these schools link with tradition? That is the teacher of the branches, which the heirs of that particular school itself calls? If not, do not hesitate to say “Goodbye.” Suppose you learned that, yes, yes. Here, James Corden expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Then the next question, what is the connection? If you answer that twice a year goes by chief instructor at seminars (China, Japan, Italy, etc.) Grandmaster to X, then … Stir a little brains and give an answer to this question: “What can you learn in this mode of study?” Anyone even slightly interested in the history of traditional martial arts reply clear: “In addition to formal exercises, nothing,” nothing! Why? Because martial arts is not a technique, and quality. This force, which is based on work with energy and spirit. This work is impossible without a constant, long-term contact with the teacher. This and only this is called “the transmission of traditions.” Go ahead.

Assume that the “Transfer of tradition” took place. And how do you think – now everything is clear? Legs and arms to run to do? No Way! “Well, not yet ?!!! so – perhaps you ask. Well, whether or not to ask. All the same answer. Thus, we assume that such a long-term contact with the instructor’s master of the school concerned, and the instructor to pass this tradition. In general, all cool and wonderful. That’s just what happens when the instructor that lives in the Ukraine, and master in China? The question is understandable?! Not about the territories we are talking about a worldview! The form of tradition that has evolved in a different culture and in other times can not work in the elementary conditions of modern life. This was, incidentally, does what it says tradition, “Do not walk in the footsteps of the ancients, but seek what they sought” is not enough to get “the transmission of traditions,” the Tradition must realize! Not in China of the Tang Dynasty, but here, where we live. In traditional schools of martial arts student named “Go to trace,” ie, repeating steps a teacher. This was mainly a repetition of this method learning traditional kung fu. Referring to the teacher as an example, a student at first been building his body, and then went on to work with energy and then with the spirit. Training lasted for a long time – but in a traditional society to hurry nowhere. But we must hurry. Why? Yes, because life in the modern world is so rich and changeable (this, I hope no one would argue?), Which is engaged in the traditional way, we run the risk of life in this thorough behind. Well, we can not afford such a luxury – 20 years that way gain the brains in the school of martial arts, and then only to go out into the world, they say, here I am a perfect granted to you! A world in response to you – go for a walk waltz, bounce you such a need – you do not know life, and teach you to hurt her too late! So what to do? Source: Your Path to Enlightenment.

State Education

It appears about 13 years – approved by the State Advice of Education, on the basis of the LDB (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education), was recognized officially in 19 of November of 1996, with the name of ' Pedaggica&#039 experience;. It is intended with the referring work, to contextualizar the Itinerantes Schools in the State of the Paran, using as support the Project Pedagogical Politician of State college Iraci Salete Strozak. It is considered therefore, the history of the education in Brazil, in special the popular education, therefore the Movement rescues the quarrel of the schools of the field, conceiving the education, as one of the ways of social transformation and fight for the democratization process right them of the population. Word-key: Itinerante school, Social Movement, Education. Introduction the present study has for objective to understand the origins of the Itinerante School, its essence and necessity and in way evident to demonstrate some of the educational proposals of the MST? Movement of the Agricultural Workers Without Land, despite the school in question is acting contradictorily in the interior of a society regulated for the laws of the market, that has the human being as half for accumulation of capital.

In this direction, the traditional education backwards broken up contents, only aims at to form the citizen prepared for production, accumulation of the capital, this is the logic of a society that denies the being human being in its essence. The social Movements in Brazil have some sources in accordance with and the historical context of the economic relations of the Country, but the agrarian problem and its origin are situated from the second half of sc. XX. Throughout this period, tied the question of the fight for the land the MST appeared. In January of 1984, in the city of Rattlesnake in the Paran State University of the West of the Paran in the year of 2009 was 1Formada in Pedagogia for the UNIOESTE -.

Education Contents

In accordance with the Ministry of the Education: (…) we must be intent for the fact of that the inclusion of children of six years of age will not have to mean anticipation of the contents and activities that had been traditionally understood as adjusted the first series. We detach, therefore, the necessity of if constructing to a new structure and organization of the contents in a basic education, now of nine years. (MEC, 2007) The playful one must be present in this stage, making possible the child to play. The singularity of each child must also be respected leading in account the reality where this inserted one. She is necessary to be intent to create spaces of exchanges and significant learnings, that provide to a rich education in affectivity and discoveries and that also so that if it does not become only one repetition of the daily pay-school and nor in the transference of the contents and the pedagogical work developed in 1 series of Basic Ensino. (BRAZIL, Ministry of the Education, 2007). Being thus, playing it has great importance in constitution of the learning and development processes, does not exist a etria band predetermined to play itself, this does not have to be considered of lesser importance in the pertaining to school context, therefore playing it is imagining, creating, fantasiando, where the reality and the fancy are interacting, interpreting, expressing themselves and acting, and acting, and still constructing to new forms of 5 social relations . As document of the MEC (2007) playing involves complexes processes of joint between known and the new, memory, imagination and despite playing it involves multiple learnings. However what, generally, it has happened incorporated to practical as well as the educative proposals only as an excuse or an instrument for the education of contents, to be a playful activity that has taken the learning it is of great importance that if allows that involved to the 6 citizens they can take decisions, choose, discover, ask and that also the solutions leave of these, contrary case will be only plus an exercise.