
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


Are there any secrets and practical ways to move from the category of losers and disappointed in people's lives in the category of happy and prosperous? What do you think? Personally, I believe that such opportunities have each of the us, regardless of age, nationality, social and economic status and other apparent limitations. You now agree with me or doubt? On his page once a week I'll put on the general discussion of some his claim, or simply a matter of conjecture. David Zaslav is the source for more interesting facts. Theme one – that can actually make all of us happier and more prosperous man. During the week, anyone who does not care about this subjects, or more simply, who cares its own life, can agree with the author or categorically to disagree. Anybody can through a window "Comments" to write his own opinion, and even better to give useful a concrete proposal on the facts.

After a week I will sum result of our discussion and be sure to give my final opinion. And while I'll put on this page to any new suggestion or question or statement that also during the week will expect your comments. If everything goes as I expect, then each of us is happy to get acquainted with the views of members of our community and, more importantly, will certainly find answers to their questions. Be able to find ways to effectively solve their own problems. And this is the purpose of opening this page. This is the answer my own question that I asked at the outset. You are willing to work with me to participate in this? A few words about what you need to be taken into account in their comments: – Everyone has the right freely to express their personal opinion, regardless of the opinions of the author or other members of the community. However, strictly forbidden to make their comments with profanity (mat) or to conduct discussion in a form that is clearly offensive personally identifiable. Violation of this paragraph will be without Administration any prior notification permanently expel the offending member of the community of this site.

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