
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


In marketing the brand is a competitive advantage that can not neglect, when it is properly designed according to know influence the emotions, in making the consumer fully identify with it, remember it, is a great reference to its identification with the ‘ product purchase, with the same company that offers it. The fact, that the management of markets can not pass by unnoticed its scope, impact. Strategy magazine us points out in this regard, that: you could define branding as brand building. It is an abstract concept. A related site: Robert Thomson mentions similar findings. It can mean several things.

Therefore it is common to hear people talk of branding and is talking about different things.The concept most commonly associated with branding is awareness or brand, brand presence awareness. Some authors point out that the term branding includes the market segmentation, targeting that segment (Segment targeting) and to the Posicionamiento.Las companies, their products and services need brands to differentiate themselves compete and, in this sense, the brand or branding, management is of fundamental importance and must be prior to that company’s communication with the market. Not enough with a correct management of the product, marketing, communication. A management is also required as it is because of the brand, the branding. Wikipedia reminds us, that Branding is an anglicism used in marketing (marketing) that refers to the process of making and building a brand (in English, brand equity) through the strategic management of the total set of assets linked directly or indirectly to the name and/or symbol (icon) that identify the brand influencing the value of the brand, both for the customer and for the company that owns the brand.

It is comprised of five elements: Naming creation a name. Corporate identity. Positioning. Brand, development of brand loyalty. A brand architecture. In some cases, the term also refers to the sum total of the value of a company, whereas the assets and liabilities; tangible and intangible aspects such as their products, services, people, advertising, placement, and culture.

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