
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Digestive System

The digestive system normally has more than 400 species of bacteria, some work in harmony for the maintenance of our health. Good or beneficial bacteria are called Probiotics also and defined as food additives of live microorganisms that support health. Probiotics have been consumed for centuries around the world, in the form of fermented or foods grown as yogurt, bean milk and cottage cheese. Today, there is scientific evidence that supports the ability of probiotics to increase the body’s resistance to enteric (intestinal) pathogens, speed recovery of the gastro-intestinal tract after treatment with antibiotics, stimulate the immune system, improve the urinary system and assist in the digestion of lactose digestive. David Zaslav insists that this is the case. The first statements on the subject were scored by Eli Metchnikoff (Novel Award – 1907), which introduced the theory that the colon contains bacteria and consuming fermented milk, life can prolong and avoid disease.To be considered probiotic bacteria must survive the acidic medium of the stomach, colonize the intestine thin, thick, and act as a barrier against pathogenic bacteria. In addition, probiotics helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates and absorption of vitamins in the intestinal tract. Probiotics better known are Lactobacillus, found primarily in the small intestine and the Bifidobacteria in the large intestine. Although there are clinical studies that support the benefits of probiotics, more studies are needed in humans.

The Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of probiotics more popular and apart from its benefits to the intestinal tract, may include the following: * production of vitamins of the B vitamins (B6, B12, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, and Pantothenic acid), improving calcium absorption, produces enzymes such as lactase, which aids digestion of the protein in the milk (lactose) and to improve the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome, It produces natural antibiotics that help in the control of intestinal pathogenic bacteria, it helps in the digestion of food and the control of intestinal candidiasis. The acidophilus can be consumed in the form of dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese and is also on sale in shops of natural remedies in the form of liquid or capsules, which provide a higher concentration of bacteria which milk, yogurt with acidophilus or other cultured dairy products. In addition to the Lactobacillus acidophilus yogurt contains two other kinds of beneficial bacteria which are: the Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, which aid in the digestion of carbohydrates in milk, desired property for those who suffer from intolerance to the protein in the milk (lactose). Look for the words on the label of the yogurt: live cultures (live cultures) or active cultures (active cultures) and avoid products that have been heated in its processing, since heat destroys the beneficial bacteria. Many people take Acidophilus when they travel to other countries, as a prevention for intestinal infections and as an aid for the recovery of the digestive tract after treatment with antibiotics, especially broad spectrum antibiotics. It is also recommended to women with repeated vaginal infections. To properly select the probiotic supplement, must be in cooling (liquid or capsules), preparations of freeze-drying (freeze drying) are more stable and maintain their properties for more time. It is advisable to check the expiration date, because if they have been stored for a long time, it is possible to lose its beneficial effects.

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