
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Education Contents

In accordance with the Ministry of the Education: (…) we must be intent for the fact of that the inclusion of children of six years of age will not have to mean anticipation of the contents and activities that had been traditionally understood as adjusted the first series. We detach, therefore, the necessity of if constructing to a new structure and organization of the contents in a basic education, now of nine years. (MEC, 2007) The playful one must be present in this stage, making possible the child to play. The singularity of each child must also be respected leading in account the reality where this inserted one. She is necessary to be intent to create spaces of exchanges and significant learnings, that provide to a rich education in affectivity and discoveries and that also so that if it does not become only one repetition of the daily pay-school and nor in the transference of the contents and the pedagogical work developed in 1 series of Basic Ensino. (BRAZIL, Ministry of the Education, 2007). Being thus, playing it has great importance in constitution of the learning and development processes, does not exist a etria band predetermined to play itself, this does not have to be considered of lesser importance in the pertaining to school context, therefore playing it is imagining, creating, fantasiando, where the reality and the fancy are interacting, interpreting, expressing themselves and acting, and acting, and still constructing to new forms of 5 social relations . As document of the MEC (2007) playing involves complexes processes of joint between known and the new, memory, imagination and despite playing it involves multiple learnings. However what, generally, it has happened incorporated to practical as well as the educative proposals only as an excuse or an instrument for the education of contents, to be a playful activity that has taken the learning it is of great importance that if allows that involved to the 6 citizens they can take decisions, choose, discover, ask and that also the solutions leave of these, contrary case will be only plus an exercise.

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