
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Normalista City

This shocked very, however it was not the sufficient to discourage me. The desire was latent, however my horizon esbarrava in about the yard. However at the end of the year of 1968 my father faleceu one second enevoada fair, Had until a chuvisco, there for the five and half or six hours of the afternoon, what in certain way he combined with what says Nietzsche regarding the twilight of the being: ' ' The largeness of the man is in being a bridge and not an end. What it can be loved in the man is that it is a transit, and perhaps. I love those that only they know to live as the ones that if they establish in perhaps, therefore are the ones that atravessam' '. (apud ONATE p.20) I was orphan literally: with the death of my father, my mother lost the sadness, became aptica person, did not bind more pra nothing, nor pra it, my brother alone worked, did not stop in house, lived the proper luck. Same luck was that I already had concluded 4 series and now if to have with who to count was perplexed. Worse it was that in that city it did not have as to continue studying therefore did not have the Ginasial Course.

It always thought about as it could be teacher and ' ' diploma' ' it would not have to be of that my brother spoke. I decided to look an exit. I talked with my mother who did not have as to help itself, that I would go to look an alternative for ' ' ours vida' '. Everything that I possua that I could be changedded into money was a little pig – a little bigger that a cat and minor who a dog. I decided to vender the little pig and to arrange the luggage, that did not have lock, and I left for the next city where it had school and courses of formation of Normalista.

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