
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Paolino Carlos

According to Report of the lieutenant Vasconcelos the installation of this Rank had beginning from the act of receiving of the order that charged it the Inspectorship of the SPI of the State of Weeds Thick to assure the assistance to the Chavantes. If you would like to know more then you should visit tom cruise. During three months this lieutenant was looking for there to group all the Ofai dispersed that found throughout the right edge of the river Paran advancing downstream, beyond the Medium brown river, for the bars of some streams and brooks until reaching the necklace of lagoons that form the estuary of the Ivinhema. For the such Rank of the Peixinho, the lieutenant would have led about 22 aboriginals brought of Tibiri Port (today President Epitcio, in the So Paulo side), that at this time, it was the main abutment of the SPI in the region. Keeping as base the Tibiri Port and the good relations that nourished with important figures of the region, the military man attracted on itself diverse favors of the local authorities. Of major Manoel of the Coast Rasp, proprietor of the Uer farm, located in the right edge of the Medium brown river, it, certain time, got loaned a batelo for the load transport. Thanks to the aid and the humanitarian orientation of the Company of Means of transportation So Paulo Mato Grosso, through its manager, colonel Paolino Carlos, the searches of the lieutenant, through the navigable course of the rivers, had always configured itself advantageous, allowing to bring Ofai of some regions to the sum of the river Paran.

To the aboriginals brought for Vasconcellos lieutenant if 30 had added others, that already they met in the Peixinho, brought for D. Ramon. The such Rank seems to have been the first enterprise commanded for D. Ramon and its intention to also congregate the Ofai in that place, bringing aboriginal of the region of Vacaria.

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