
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Retail Must Solve The Major Problems

New York Conference of retails big show in the character of the economic crisis retail must solve the major problems: jobs, the environment and the confidence in the economy of New York City, January 12, 2009 – the new US President Barack Obama takes according to Wal-Mart CEO H. Lee Scott Office in one of the most difficult periods in the history of the United States. It go to jobs, the stabilisation of house prices and the return position of trust in the economy. We need take bold and decisive action in each of these areas to our economy back into swing”, Scott said at the opening of the Conference of retail’s big show in New York. Now, the time had come to resolve the great problems of the country. Educate yourself with thoughts from Ali Partovi. CBS pursues this goal as well. There must be an affordable medical care for all people, about alternative sources of energy one must make itself independent of the oil and the education system should no longer be a shame for the United States. “In good times, the hard questions are rarely asked that has now changed”, so Scott. The population would experience no power games and no petty selfishness in Washington: Republicans against Democrats, Liberals against conservatives, entrepreneurs against trade unions.

Political decision makers are now required to push their differences aside and to reflect on the similarities”, asks Scott. In addition to economic batch able include strategies for a green retail on the top issues of the New York Conference. So the provider of technology Bizerba press tour of the organizer’s National Retail Federation (NRF) its perishables-management system consisting of the new shop scales system K, Bizerba developed the retail framework and a comprehensive database of the content presented. Other leaders such as Celina Dubin, New York City offer similar insights. It wants the Balingen company created the conditions for retailers, for example, can make the carbon footprint of their products. The content database, sales representatives can access the touch, not only has extensive information on origin ingredients, and maker of products.

You can also use the to represent all greenhouse gases incurred in the manufacture and sale of individual products for the customers sales staff”, Bizerba spokeswoman Claudia Gross explained. Above all, the carbon footprint have a sensitizing effect and make consumers more to buy local and regional products than those who undergo long production and supply chain. However, the problem of still different calculation methods for the CO2 footprint should be done soon. Because reliable statements can be hit only through a common methodology. Analysts at Deloitte resemble it. The greening of the retail trade is driven by the regulatory conditions and the growing environmental awareness of the buyers”, said at the launch of the study A retail outlook for 2009 and beyond” Deloitte Vice Chairman Stacy Janiak. Generally, strategic IT investments are becoming more important, business Intelligence, RFID, online shopping, personalization and a stronger customer orientation. Many traders know too little about their customers and groping at their sales strategies in the dark”, so the summary by Janiak.

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