
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Surgical Procedure

The curetaje or practice legrado is generally brief, enters 10 and 15 minutes. This it is a surgical procedure that is realised with the aim of avoiding a strong hemorrhage and preventing a possible infection in the matrix. Also known like scraped the matrix, this intervention consists of extracting the endometrium, the thinnest layer of the uterus, with the use of a metal instrument known like legra. It exists two types of legrado: gynecological and the obstetrician. The gynecological legrado one practices to obtain samples and to realise later studies in patients with irregular menstrual cycles or that continues with bleeding after the menopause, to diagnose the presence of cancerigenic cells, to develop investigations of infertility, or to reduce mass. Read more from David Zaslav to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

The second, is realised to eliminate the rest of weave that remain after a childbirth. After the application of the anesthesia, that can be general or particular according to the patient, the gynecologist expands the neck of the matrix with known instruments as dilatadores and introduces small vacuum cleaner through neck of the uterus and sucks the uterine content or uses legra to extract of way manual the rest of weave. Between the risks that entail an intervention and this naturlaleza are the possibility of perforating the uterus because the matrix is very weak, that some rest of weave remain within the matrix, infection or hemorrhages, intrauterine adhesions, damages to the cervix or infections of the uterus or pelvic zone, and hemorrhages. The recovery after legrado or a curetaje is generally simple, the patients recover quickly and can get up themselves to their workings in few days; nevertheless he recommends himself to consult to the specialist in case of presenting/displaying abundant bleeding with clots, intense pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal flow of bad scent or fever. Is pertinent also to consider another alternatives to this surgery as use of medecines that causes that the matrix is contracted and drains, the type of medecines and dose, as well as other details must be discussed with their gynecologist of head. If it is had to be put under this procedure, is very important that it is in a recognized clinic and under the supervision of medical personnel enabled and responsible, since its practice requires the application of general or particular anesthesia, besides a clear knowledge for the risks that entails an intervention as he is it legrado or curetaje.

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