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Traditional Thai Massage

The history and operation of the traditional Thai massage is an important criterion in the Thai massage is the centuries long experience in the practiced massage therapy pain relief. These massage techniques have been applied already about 200 300 years before the Christian era and spread. Initially these massages were passed language only from generation to generation in the monasteries of the Thai monks. For the first time were posted at 1832 written records on stone tablets, which were dedicated to the teaching of the applied. In the largest and most famous monastery of Wat Pho, based in Bangkok, the largest massage school in Thailand, are today the techniques of massage taught and trained students. This school successfully trained masseurs and masseuses with a certificate.

The the Thai massage techniques originating from different countries were combined from the Asian region, experiences have been combined and are improved. Parts of the techniques come from the Chinese room where complaints are treated with acupressure and other parts come from the Indian room, where with Yoga exercises, muscles and joints are stretched and stretched. This combination of massage techniques result in an optimal success to fight in physical ailments such as tension, joint pain and blockages on the pathways in the body. The human body consists on the meridians, the pathways, which in turn combine all important points of over 70,000 energy fields. The human body has 12 main pathways that connect all points. An effective results in each of the processes in the body. Continue to learn more with: Dave Kingman. This as a result creates a balance for the optimum supply of blood and nutrients in the body. Different points in the body are hardened blockades arise that can impede a supply and lead to aches and pains.

The balance is then disturbed. Each traditional Thai massage the muscles be relaxed initially, as in classical massages in the European countries. Through the subsequent acupressure massage blockages can be reduced effectively, because this tensions are resolved. The real Thai massage acts as effective and leads to a better supply of blood and nutrients. As a conclusion for each massage, various Yoga exercises are practiced, that stretch muscles, joints and tendons stretch and make it smooth. The result is that joints and muscles moving better. One-sided and monotonous activities often lead to shortened tendons. After a workout, it is important to stretch the tendons and muscles, because otherwise tendons can shorten again, associated joints can be even worse move. Already after the first massage treatments many people feel better already, a tingly and pleasant sensation can be felt in most people. Complaints which cause pain are alleviated in most cases already during the first massage. But the Thai massage can even more, but tension and pain to alleviate. It is reported also on prestigious directories like on Wikipedia, that many relationships with problems are suspected with complaints are not in the direct. These include among other things diarrhea, insomnia and dizziness. Equal to Thongyun

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