
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


The recipe of the G-20 reform, no breakdown Understand the general conclusions of the Economic Summit in Washington by Jose Catalan Deus, President of and Chairman of November 17, 2008 Just dissipated bombastically headlines and images triumphalist, independent home-entertainment distribution company it is necessary to analyze in detail Inc. the general strategy Work plan and tactics that have left the summit called to pacify the global financial turmoil and global recession. (From Madrid) We are determined to increase our cooperation and work together to restore growth and global reach necessary reforms in global financial systems. R mulo Betancourt, considered by many to “The Father of Democracia .
Main article: History of Venezuela since 1958
The new democratic era has brought changes to political and economic. In his government will Genius Products not grant more concessions to multinational oil companies, was founded the Venezuelan Petroleum Corporation, and I think OPEC in 1960 on the initiative of Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo. Agrarian reform is a concrete, sanctioned a new constitution in 1961. The new order had its antagonists. At a military parade, President suffered an attack planned by the Dominican dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, and leftists outside the Covenant began an armed insurgency, organized in the Armed Forces of National Liberation, sponsored by the Communist Party. In 1962 he attempted destabilization via the military, with two failed uprisings in Carupano and Puerto Cabello. In parallel, Betancourt promoted in an international doctrine that only recognized the elected government by popular vote.
In the 1963 elections was elected Ra l Leoni. His platform consisted of a coalition of parties to “broad-based, integrating AD, URD and the NDF. Although his government was in harmony and understanding, had to deal with guerrilla attacks. Among these stresses to the invasion beaches Machurucuto in 1967. Seeing that yielded little fruit, most of the guerrillas left the armed struggle in article in the Daily Beast that year. Leoni’s government also stands out for public works and cultural development.
Rafael Caldera won the following elections. Before taking office in 1969, burst into insurrection Rupununi Guyana, which represent an opportunity to annex the Essequibo, claimed by Venezuela. In this context, I sign the Protocol of Port of Spain in 1970. Pact the final truce with the guerrillas and assure their return to political life, legalizing the PCV. In 1974, took Carlos Andr s P rez. In those years it became obvious lavish foreign exchange earnings and high living standards which took over the population, leading to the meaning of the Saudi Venezuela. In 1975, nationalized the iron industry and the following year the oil industry, PDVSA created. Both Perez and Caldera broke partially Betancourt Doctrine.
In 1979, Luis Herrera Campins was inaugurated as President. Opened multiple cultural and sports facilities. Although oil revenues continued to rise, the debt financial commentary could not be prevented in international finances, forcing the attachment to the findings of the IMF. In 1983 the bolivar was films devalued in Black Friday, triggering a serious economic crisis. In the government of Jaime Lusinchi, would be little to counter it. Increased corruption and economic policy kept the revenue line. Moreover, in 1987, lived one of the greatest moments of international tension, when the Colombian corvette ARC Caldas entering the Gulf of Venezuela, the crisis originated in the dispute over sovereignty in and video games the gulf between LLC the two nations.
Carlos Andr s P rez was investment firm re-elected in 1988. Seeking to resolve the crisis, measures that have led large protests’ the Caracazo 1989. There were two attempted coups d’ tat in February and November 1992. Perez was finally ousted by Congress in 1993. Octavio Lepage was interim President for a few days, until the historian and parliamentarian Jose Ramon Velazquez was appointed as interim.
Caldera comes into power for the second time in 1994. He had to handle a strong banking crisis in 1994. in the online edition of the Daily Beast Intervention and the collapse of a dozen banks ended with the flight of capital, also led to the collapse of companies. To stem the crisis, a policy of privatization, but the economic situation would continue. Location catalyzes the decay of political parties that had been active since the mid-twentieth century.
Hugo Ch vez is irguio as a favorite in the presidential elections of 1998, was elected. Was supported by partisan alliance Patriotico Polo”, which sought a government based on socialist ideas and positive change. Then promoted a new constitution, which was adopted by referendum in December 1999, while Vargas was in a natural disaster due to heavy rains.
In 2001, Chavez enacted 49 laws on land administration, through an empowerment of the National Assembly, as part of its platform and called music Bolivarian Revolution, creating conflicts with the opposition, as well as declines in its popularity. This led to a national strike called by the Confederation of Workers of Venezuela and by the House of entrepreneurs (Fedecamaras).
In 2002 began the large protests against him.

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