
Promoting Democracy in Algeria


It is common to hear the following commentaries: ' ' when I studied, the public school was very better, us we learned mesmo' ' , ' ' 1 degree of old valley more than 2 degree of agora' '. We hear this of educators, our familiar ones, the baker of the esquina, friends, common people and even though of authorities. The public school ' ' of antigamente' ' it was, however, another school: elitizada, exculpatory, pra few e, therefore cannot, nor would have to be compared with the one of today. The public school was opened, and tries not to hold back, not to exclude, tries yes, to become includente. However it was not structuralized for such. Today, she frequents who it are the children of the workers or the proper workers. The rescue of the dignity of this ' ' school pblica' ' it is the rescue of the dignity of the Brazilian citizen. This citizenship rescue also passes for the education of the mathematics.

I have conscience of my space-secular limitations and intellectual, therefore, I do not have the alone pretension of, coming to answer these questions, exactly because they involve distinct areas of the knowledge, and that they are very beyond my ability, exactly that he is imbudo of all possible good will. I will launch them with the certainty of that it could not answer them all, but also with the certainty of that, of some form, my doubts, investigations and uncertainties are of many, and can contribute in the reflection of these and porventura other questions. This already would be enough reason of joy and why not, of satisfaction, and thus already it would justify this work. In this text, we make an attempt to deepen the quarrel and reflection on some characteristics attributed to the Mathematics. It consists in the pertaining to school resumes of practically all the countries of the world.

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