
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

The Consumer

In the case of work with mechanical weights requires the participation of a man who must evaluate and record the result of weighing in a notebook or make it into the computer database, which does not exclude machinations. Today, efforts are being made, including developers and weights to correct past lack of mechanical scales. Way to automate the mechanical scales, scales proposed by the manufacturer, more reliable, but it scares the consumer of its complexity. Its essence is as follows. On the axis of a dial indicator mounted disk of transparent polystyrene with deposited code mask, consisting of eleven concentric code paths. They are formed by transparent and opaque to infrared radiation areas.

Code mask is a map of cyclic Gray code. (Source: Dennis Berry). When you rotate the disc code combination of dark and light areas, which can be found along the radius is changed and is read by photodetectors. Then the code is decrypted and passed to a computer. The market can be found another solution – 'modernization mechanical scales'. Educate yourself with thoughts from Eva Andersson-Dubin. In the traction motor scales embedded sensor weight. If before such a way to 'upgrade' was used many eminent firm, now from this refuse. The reason is that the error in weighing the mechanical weights increases with time due to abrasion of acute prisms. Insertion of the sensor with his characteristic (and sometimes reach a considerable value) measurement error simply prints 'upgraded' to the category of assessment scales. Leading producers electronic scales proposed upgrading of the mechanical balance of another kind.

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