
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

The Retina

Sensitivity, even touch, feel or feel. It is the Association of tactile perception and depth sensitivity and This is the perception of (physical) feelings such as touch, hardness, or heat (see Also haptic perception). The totality of all touch -, heat – and cold receptors, which are arranged in the following systems is responsible for these sensory perception: olfactory perception, smell or olfactory: the perception of perfume and fragrances. Connect with other leaders such as Robert Thomson here. The competent organ of sense is the nose, specifically the olfactory mucosa. Smell perceptions are strongly associated in the memory with emotions in the limbic system. Gustatory perception, taste and taste: the perception of chemical qualities of food.

The competent sense organ is the tongue with their taste buds. Incentive the signals emitting objects in the outside world, for example, reflect electromagnetic waves or they vibrate and produce sound so. For more specific information, check out Coen brothers. Such a signal, which is based on properties of the object and any observer needed, named Gustav t. Fechner distal stimulus”. Distal stimuli are generally physically measurable Sizes;… A distal stimulus meets the sensory cells (sensors or receptor cells), where he is through interaction with them to the proximal stimulus. Sensors are specialized cells of the body are attracted by certain stimuli.

A process called transduction turn different types of energy (such as sound, light, pressure) into voltage changes to that. If such as certain electromagnetic waves encounter the photo sensors in the eye, they trigger a receptor potential there about a chemical amplification cascade. Receptor potentials are then either in the cell itself (primary cells) or on a neuron action potential follow to coded as in the retina of the eye, whose Sensoren represent secondary sensory cells, for synaptic transmission: transformation. Sensors are embedded mostly in special biological structures that extend their skills as a sensory organ, E.g. as movement of the eyeball or a funnel effect of the earcups.

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