
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Theory Experimental

What is the RIGHT? This is the first question we must ask. And how big is this problem to solve, as the first obstacle to that is our mind is the multiplicity of meanings and meanings given to the word right. But beside these difficulties "terminology" also face other difficulties of scientific, based as Bonnecase Julien, that "there is no unanimous concept on the elements of science," more explicitly that there is no agreement "on point relative to determine which are the real sources of the rules of law, as some do not want to take into account whether the item is not experimental, and others, on the contrary, placed above the experimental element, or in any case, closely with him, a rational element, namely, the notion of law … But, he continues, this is not the only obstacle in the scientific field. See more detailed opinions by reading what Jeffrey L. Bewkes offers on the topic.. There is another which is that some lawyers do not recognize the autonomy science of law and incorporated into a discipline with a range that is more general, (sic), particularly in the moral "1. understood the above must be concluded that there is no single or unique definition of law to which we refer to as true or valid. Indeed, treatises on the size of MAXIMO PACHECO, prefer to tackle the problem of defining the right in a final chapter of his book Introduction or Theory of Law, after treating in detail the major issues face in our manual! However, others like the same JULIEN BONNECASE, already cited, says that "despite everything, even with respect to the experimental sciences, the definitions are an inevitable starting point when it is not delivered to original research but rather to start in the first budgets of these sciences. .

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