
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Treason Moment

To this height, valley the penalty not to try to reviver good or bad moments, simply, would like that you erased this past of its life, since tortures it you in such a way, since makes it you so badly, since for you were a horrible and full phase of sufferings. Learn more at: Eva Andersson-Dubin. Another point that I want to leave clearly is in relation the treason that you mention. You want you believe or, the fact you are not that I never you trai, at no moment during ours 5 years together. I never stow with another woman. I was always honest with same you and with some chances that had appeared, and this must have also happened with you, I never would be to its side, but being with another person. Perhaps my error has been to delay ours namoro for the last months, knowing that the things already were not going well, already more was exactly not gotten passionate one by the other. When everything this was clearly stops me, I decided that it was the moment to give a time. Morton Ira Greenberg shines more light on the discussion.

Yes, to give a time, to evaluate what we really felt one for the other. As adult, you it exaggerated when saying that ' ' I left to buy cigarettes never more and voltei' '. It is much sensationalism. I asked for a time to reflect, you wise person where to also find me and I. I did not disappear, he was not so happy to its side as I waited and was only the moment to leave. I want that you understand that I would not be the certain person for you, I to make you would not obtain you happy. this is proven when you say that only things had happened to you very, very good after mine ' ' partida' ' I making was not you well.

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