
Promoting Democracy in Algeria

Stress In The Teaching Profession

Chronic exhaustion, gastric disorders or tinnitus, not even every tenth teacher reached the statutory age limit. The student body is changing. Benefits of concentration and discipline fall heavier children, increasing conflicts among students. Testimonies, conferences, school program work, the seasonal and even daily burdens rise steadily and continuously. At the same time, the entitlement mentality from the outside is getting bigger.

Teachers work on a public platform. Justification pressure and growing educational tasks go hand in hand with austerity and deterioration of working conditions. And as if that wasn’t enough, the recognition of the profession of teacher corresponds to neither use nor the level of training in the company. What helps it is half”to be scientifically-trained mathematician, chemist or physicist, if one does not learn the tools of the trade to the teaching profession. Where remains to ask whether today, given the numerous additional tasks, not even half a training as a consultant for aspiring Teachers would be advised. The idea of Niekao learning worlds developed on the basis of these challenges. Adult from the practice and prepared for teachers and involved parents, Niekao would give an instrument in the hand, which facilitates the existence of teachers and to reduce stress. Promoting learning disorders “we respond with our section on the evolving requirements for a meaningful education.

In our section “we collect organisation of everyday life works, which must always apply in everyday and still not over and over again to be invented. At the time created a large package around the Organization of school trips. About our growing range of material for the free work we encourage you to create daily spaces. By organizing the strengthening and training by learning about motivating and individualized teaching material, you win real time for yourself and your children. Time for the learning observation and evaluation, time for the resolution of conflicts and for the individual grants programme. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City contains valuable tech resources. We create comprehensive worksheet collections, taking long time to planning and preparation time you for teaching specific. We can not change the school landscape. Our influence end where school hierarchies limit scope, where bureaucracy on education, where austerity measures and noise by up to 90 decibels in gymnasiums and Pausenhallen nerve tugging. But we have the hope to carry an idea in the schools that takes not only the children, but also the teachers with their sensitivities and pressures in the focus. It is the idea of a world of learning, where teachers with pleasure work relaxed and healthy aging.

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